At a NYE party at Mira's apartment in SF, I managed to sneak my way into three consecutive pics of Megahn (known) and Loretta (previously unknown)!
I can't be sure about the order in which they were snapped, but judging by the absence of my party crown (which I'm told I wore all night) in the first two pictures, and by extrapolating the sample of people that appear in the background as an approximation for the volume of people that shuffled into the apartment by midnight, I can safely assume that the first shot I rulzd was this one:
Placement: (3/5)
Expression: (4/5)
Discretion: (4/5)
Familiarity: (3/5)
Quality: (3/5)
That's right...two girls, one shot (real clever, Dan). I had met Trina's roommate, Megahn, before the party...but I'd never met her childhood friend, Loretta, whose boyfriend (Bonafacio) is taking the picture. They're a wonderful couple, and didn't mind that I graced their picture.
I went back to Crock-Potting a delicious spinach-artichoke dip and greeting mutual friends of Mira's and mine, before tastefully enhancing this glamour shot:
Placement: (3/5)
Expression: (4/5)
Discretion: (4/5)
Familiarity: (3/5)
Quality: (2/5)
Sure, I'm a little bit out of focus, but I still hadn't met Loretta at this point, and had found the perfect time to leave my conversation with Mira and friends to go back to the spinach-artichoke dip. No EVOO, either...RR herself would have been proud.
By the time we were ready to leave the party and hop on the Muni to a warehouse dance party in SOMA, Mira and I connected for an rulzing of epic proportions--she blocks and reflects the flash (and most of the left side of the frame), taking just enough luminance off of Megahn's stunning physique to allow me to be the true focus of the picture:
Expression: (4/5)
Discretion: (4/5)
Familiarity: (2/5)
Quality: (3/5)
Big Ups to Mira for the asst. on that one...she's been dropping dimes like it's going out of style.
(It's not though. Don't worry, Nick.)
All in all, it was a pretty good night of rulzng. We left the dance party some time around 2; I was pretty exhausted from all the dancing and sweating and cigarettes.
But, a rulzor has to always stay at the top of his game...taking his spots where he can get 'em, and making the most of matter what how haggard his physical disposition.
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