Yeah, I guess I'm "That Guy."
My motives aren't misanthropic or spiteful; they come from an eager compulsion to connect with others--a magnanimous gesture to reach out and touch a perfect stranger in an all-too-disjointed social world.
That being said, I must admit that I do experience a moderate level of satisfaction--accomplishment, even--upon having successfully managed to eke my way into the frame of a perfectly posed picture...especially if the subject(s) in question look like they need a reminder that other people do infact exist.
Hence, it has become incumbent upon myself to maximize my digital footprint: keeping my head popping up in photos everywhere, to seek out and archive said encounters, and notify the digital community when one (or some) has been totally rulzd.
Awesome awesome awesome. Flippin' the digital age man: more pressure to stay in touch, alienation despite connectedness. OK Computer dude - Yorke had all this in his head 12 years ago. He rulzes me sometimes.